Social media biggest shift since the industrial revolution
Now a day’s social media is widely used and accepted all around the globe. People have also started saying that it’s not official until it’s on Face book. So what does this mean if you want to stay in touch with rest of the world and looking for updates on regular basic you had to have a social networking account?
A recent survey shows that 1 out of 8 couples married in US last year met via social media.
A small example of how social media got popular can be understand by that Radio took 38 years to reach 50 million, Television took 13 years but Face Book only 9 months and had crossed 100 million users. It was also revealed that if Face book becomes a country its can be the fourth largest country in the world.
When we talk about social media in business it’s one of the best ways to market your products and to look other offers and deals given by other players in the market. However, you are now living in a different age. It is an age in which you have to keep up with what other business people are doing. If you everyone else is effectively leveraging social media and you are not using it, you and your business will be left behind. You really have no choice
Some basic benefits of social networking
LinkedIn allows you to display your full resume online for any future employers or recruiters to see. This will help bring you new opportunities that never would have existed otherwise.
2) Find a job
Jobs are posted every minute on social networks like LinkedIn and Twitter along with the links or information you need to apply for them.
From Business point of view
1) Display your product
You can display your products on social networking site without any cost involved in it. Ask your friends and family to comment on it and respond back. This way you’re making a valuable connection that will help grow your number of return customers.
2) Know your competitors
Just follow your competitors on social networking and you may come to know what they are looking at and you may provide a better deal for the same thing.
3) Customer opinion
Ask your clients and customers to follow you on social networking sites so that they can get updates on regular basic they can also put there valuable comments so that it’s become easy for other buyer.
Most important there valuable comments and suggestion will always help you to grow fast.